The Last of Brown's ridiculous historical fallacies to be treated
Brown writes that Richard Wagner’s opera Parsifal “was a tribute to Mary Magdalene and the bloodline of Jesus Christ, told through the story of a young knight on a quest for truth” (390).
The young knight in the opera is indeed on a quest for the Holy Grail – the traditional Grail! Not the redefined one portrayed in this novel.
Brown claims that the Priory of Sion attached female sexual symbolism to the medieval cathedrals to represent goddess worship, an idea that would have enraged the original architects. According to Brown, the “cathedral’s long hollow nave” is “a secret tribute to a woman’s womb…complete with receding labial ridges and a nice little cinquefoil clitoris above the doorway” (326).
Neither the Priory nor the Templars had anything to do with the medieval cathedral architecture. The great churches of Europe not only predated them by centuries, but they generally have 3 doors at the main entrances…not one, plus further doors in the side transepts…the woman’s body parallel becomes hard to fathom. Also, their “long hollow nave” was structured from the public basilicas of the ancient Greco-Roman world.
Brown writes, “the New Testament is based on fabrications” (341); “the greatest story ever told is, in fact, the greatest story ever sold” (267); and “the Church has two thousand years of experience pressuring those who threaten to unveil its lies” (407). The anti-Christian bias of the author is obvious and blatant. That doesn’t mean that Christendom has been perfect over the years…medieval anti-Semitism, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Galileo affair, and other persecutions…as well as the evils perpetrated today by the few members of the clergy who inflict on children the horrors of pedophilia. But keeping “Jesus’ marriage to Mary Magdalene” under wraps – the main theme of Brown’s book – is NOT one of the church’s offenses.
Other fabrications and outright lies (Brown’s in bold) and their explanation
“Noah was himself an albino” (166). Absolutely no evidence…and the “albino monk” of Opus Dei seems to have no problem whatever with his eyesight, as would be the case with true albinism.
“The early Jewish tradition involved ritualistic sex. In the Temple, no less. Early Jews believed that the Holy of Holies in Solomon’s Temple housed not only God but also His powerful female equal, Shekinah” (309). Nothing was, or is, as basic to Hebrews as their foundational belief in ONE God (not two or more)…the Jews did not even have a term for “goddess.” The term “Shekinah” in Hebrew refers to the glory of God present in his indwelling, not some divine consort.
The Jewish tetragrammation YHWH – the sacred name of God – in fact derived from Jehovah, an androgynous physical union between the masculine Jah and the pre-Hebraic name for Eve, Havah” (309). False! YHWH, the original name for God, reflects the Hebrew verb “to be.” But since tradition forbade verbal pronunciation of the name, rabbis in the sixteenth century pronounced the consonants from UHWH together with the vowels from the word Adonai (“Lord”) resulting in the word “Jehovah.” This later, synthesized name not only did not predate YHWH, it has absolutely nothing to do with an androgynous union.
“As a tribute to the magic of Venus, the Greeks used her eight-year cycle to organize their Olympic Games” (36). Here Brown shows himself to be an equal-opportunity exploiter in his crusade against the truth, muddling Greek history as well as Jewish and Christian. In reality, the games were dedicated to Zeus. A day-long festival in his honor interrupted the games midway through, which is why they were terminated in the Christian era until their revival in 1896 on a strictly secular basis. They also occurred every four years rather than eight, as Brown implies. As for the five linked rings of the Olympic flag in the modern games, these had nothing to do with the “Ishtar pentagram,” since new rings were supposed to be added with each new set of games. The organizers, however, stopped at five – a nice number to fill Olympic logos, reflecting the five major, inhabited continents.
“The Bible…has evolved through countless translations, additions, and revisions. History has never had a definitive version of the book” (231). To say that the Bible has “evolved” implies a progression of constant change, as in the term evolution. This is totally misleading. The only “changes” to the Bible that have taken place across the centuries have been an ever-more-faithful rendering and translation of the original Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New Testament, without any additions to the text. (see Hank Hanegraaff’s section for more details)
“More than eighty gospels were considered for the New Testament, and yet only a relative few were chosen for inclusion” (231). Brown’s statement implies that there was a general submission of gospels to some sort of early church panel that reduced the field to the familiar four. This was not at all the case. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were foundation documents in what later came to be called the New Testament. Eusebius, the first church historian, tells how they were the core of the canon from the start, and how their authority was determined on the basis of usage in such early Christian centers as Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome. He also clearly identifies some of the later spurious writings, including the Gnostic gospels, that the church rejected as soon as they surfaced. Today they are known as “New Testament apocrypha.” Brown must have had this group in mind with his “eighty,” which is an exaggerated figure in any case.
(This article and most others have been taken from Dr. Paul Maier's book "The Da Vinci Code: fact or fiction?") You can purchase this book at the following sites:
Hey Tom Long time no talk,
Just wanted to say hello.
God is good in all things.
You should see what I'm trying to do with my web page Im turning it into a resource center!
It will be all about jesus and his good news!
I beleive its good place to start talking about God. The net is the number one place now for influence in young people especially MYSPACE.
Im going to do research on Facts about Jesus and is historical reference, trying to put to rest claims and misunderstandings to the best of my knowledge.
And most of all a Fellowship!!!
I repost my blogs here on myspace and try to get people to come check out what I write.
I was wondering if you would Honor me in putting your websites and resources as well as your blog
sites on my Myspace, I believe you bring alot to the table as far as research and knowledge, Maybe even Put up your own Myspace page!
That way I can give you traffic for your site as well as mine and we can SREAD THE WORD!
Im also writing new poems and songs and music about God.
Im on fire for JESUS!!!!!
Lets team up Tom I truly belevie this is what god wanys us to do and why we have crossed paths!
Lets turn the net in to GODS Internet!! We can inspire I see it!
Start a wave.
Check out my new post and poems let me know what you think!!
here's my myspace-
Its great!!
Im in the middle of writting about Distractions! that try to pre-
occupy us from God and his word.
And poems of Inspiration and wisdom about living for God.
I have some good melodies.
Its an exciting time Tom God has set me on fire I asked and I received!!
Well have a good one
Brother In Christ
Im trying to get my church to put up a Myspace page!
I'll check it out, Jonathan. I'm not sure I will have time soon to start a MySpace of my own, but you are welcome to link these blogs with your page if it helps. I am currently working on finishing a review of a K-12 public science curriculum to help the parents here in Western PA. It is taking a lot of time, and I would like to finish before I leave (in 3 weeks).
Keep writing and looking to His Word for the answers. Tunes are a great way to speak to people today...just take care to speak correctly about God (Job 42:7-9; Rev. 2:14-16, 2:20-25...God is concerned with right doctrine) as I know you will seek to do. Check out Martin Luther...he seems to be very insightful and helpful for me. There's a great computer program of Luther's Works at if you like that sort of thing. Very searchable.
I will pray that God's Spirit continues to lead and guide you.
As always Tom good to hear from you thanks for the advice,
When you have time check out my poetry as well let me know what you think.
And I will make certain that anything I write or research lines up with the scripture and nothing to deviate it.
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